Amazon Smile

What if we were to tell you that you that a small percentage of your online purchases made on Amazon could help out the Boys & Girls Club of Allentown?  For all purchases made through THIS LINK, Boys & Girls Club of Allentown will receive a small commission from Amazon. In addition, you can set us up as your Amazon Smile Charity.

Amazon allows users to purchase items off it’s website and have a donation (0.5% of the pre-tax total) sent to their favorite charitable organizations. This website is AmazonSmile (Amazon Smile)! If you would like to make sure that your Amazon purchases are supporting the Boys & Girls Club of Allentown, just follow the steps in the flyer linked below.  It only takes a few minutes of your time to set-up and will benefit our Club kids at no additional cost!  If you have any questions, the staff at the Club have listed their number at the bottom of the flyer and will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

Amazon Smile
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